An Introduction To Waterless Dust Suppression (WDC)

WDC Applications

  • Unpaved storage yards and freight handling sites
  • Construction sites
  • Underground workings and enclosed areas
  • Horse riding arenas
  • Helicopter landing pads
  • Quarries
  • Temporary storage sites

Advantages of using WDC

Applied undiluted

Waterless Dust Suppression compound

Eliminates/binds dust


Will not dry out and remains active after application

Produces healthier working environment


Suitable for application to a wide variety of surfaces and materials types

Easy application

No specialised spraying equipment necessary

Can be used on loosely bound surfaces

Environmental Impact of using WDC

WDC is environmentally friendly and biodegradable. It has no long-term adverse impact on the environment and is safe to handle. It is non-toxic and non-hazardous.